Whole Home Mesh Wi-Fi delivers fast, wall-to-wall Internet with up to 3 Wi-Fi 6 access points that work together as a team and are included with every Fibre 10X Internet plan to create a seamless and powerful connection in every room.
Our smart mesh system provides the strongest signal in any room of your home and the best posible speeds with the lowest latency.
The whole home Wi-Fi 6 system optimizes your devices’ connection based on usage and environmental conditions, thanks to our combination of band steering and channel hopping technologies.
What good is Multi-Gig internet connection if you can’t actually connect to your modem at the advertised speeds?
Unlike some of the “other” internet services out there, we are committed to providing you with the latest technology, ensuring you can enjoy the speeds you’re paying for.
For the techies out there, all of our 10X plans come with a 10Gb Ethernet connection and AX6000 WiFi 6. We support 4×4 Mu-Mimo, 160 Mhz Wi-Fi channels with DFS, and OFDMA.